Доктор мед. наук Маттиас Фогтман
Главный врач отделения респираторных заболеваний, Парк-клиника Хелиос Лейпциг
Парк-клиника Хелиос Лейпциг
Основная специализация
- Interventional bronchoscopy incl. therapeutic lavage, dilatation, argon plasma coagulation, cryoresection and stent implantation
- Thoracoscopic pleurodesis
- Drainage therapy, placement of long-term pleural drainage systems (PleurX)
- Inhalation and respiratory physiotherapy
- Cytostatic chemotherapy
- Multimodal tumor treatment in cooperation with partners (surgery, radiotherapy)
- Saxon State Medical Association
- German Society for Internal Medicine
- German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine
- Central German Society for Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery
- German Respiratory League
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