Основная специализация
- Anesthetic procedures
- Intensive care medicine
- Performance diagnostics
- Training control and planning
Биография (выдержки)
1983 | Approbation |
1982-1983 |
Practical year at Bethesda Hospital Duisburg |
1977-1983 |
Studied human medicine at the University of Düsseldorf |
Career Path
since 2015 |
Medical Director of the Helios St. Josefshospital Uerdingen
since 2008 |
Chief Physician of the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine and the Department of Sports Medicine at Helios St. Josefshospital Uerdingen
since 1998 |
Specialist in sports medicine Founder and Head of the Department of Sports Medicine at Helios St. Josefshospital Uerdingen |
1992-2008 |
Senior physician at the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at Helios St. Josefshospital Uerdingen, including 1994-1997 as acting director
1989 |
Senior emergency doctor
Specialist in anesthesiology
1983-1991 |
Clinic for Anesthesiology at Lukaskrankenhaus Neuss
Дополнительная информация
- since 1992: Team doctor of the Krefeld Penguins
- Professional Association of German Anesthesiologists BDA
- German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention
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