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Биография (выдержки)

1995 - 2005

Study of human medicine, University of Leipzig


Assistant/specialist doctor for Internal Medicine/Cardiology, Heart Center Leipzig, University of Leipzig, Helios Clinic Borna

2011 Specialist in internal medicine
2015 Specialist in cardiology
2015 - 2017

Studies in Health Economics, Outcomes research and Management in Cardiovascular Science, London School of Economics, London, UK

2015 - 2020

Senior physician, Department of Rhythmology, Heart Center Leipzig, Head of the Cardiac Electronic Implants Unit

2019 Habilitation and recognition as a private lecturer
2021 - 2022

Senior consultant, Department of Cardiology, Rhythmology and Intensive Care Medicine, Asklepios Klinikum Weißenfels, Head of Rhythmology

01/2023 - 02/2023

Senior consultant, Dept. of Rhythmology, Heart Center Leipzig, University Clinic for Cardiology - Helios Endowed Professorship

03/2023 - 11/2023

Acting Chief Physician, Dept. of Rhythmology, Heart Center Leipzig, University Clinic for Cardiology - Helios Endowed Professorship

since 12/2023

Chief physician, Dept. of Rhythmology, Heart Center Leipzig, University Clinic for Cardiology - Helios Endowed Professorship

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