PD Dr. med. Matthias Maruschke
Chief Physician Urology, Хелиос Ганзеклиника Штральзунд
Хелиос Ганзеклиника Штральзунд
Основная специализация
- Andrology
- Drug tumor therapy
- Endourology
- Stone therapy
- Uro-oncology
Биография (выдержки)
- since 10/2014 Chief Physician of the Clinic for Urology at the Helios Hanseklinikum Stralsund
- 2000-2014 Ward physician, senior physician and scient. Staff member at the Urolog. Clinic and Polyclinic of the Medical Faculty of the University of Rostock
- 06/2000 Specialist colloquium and specialist certification for urology
- 1996-2000 Specialist training in urology
- 04/1996 License to practice medicine
- 1994-1996 Worked as an intern doctor
- 1988 - 1994 Higher education: Studies at the University of Rostock
Дополнительная информация
- 52 publications, 1 book contribution, 23 scientific poster presentations and 64 lectures
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