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Helios Hospital Kassel

Общая информация

Go to hospital with a good feeling: the Helios Hospital in Kassel offers a wide range of medical services. This ensures excellent treatment options.

The DRK-Schwesternschaft Kassel is on board as a strong cooperation partner and supports Helios in the area of professional and qualified nursing training, among other things.

The hospital building, which Sophie Henschel had built in Kassel's Hansteinstraße along with apartments for the nursing staff, has a history spanning more than 140 years. It has made a name for itself across regional borders as a Red Cross hospital. Helios has been leading the hospital in Kassel back to its former strength since 2021.

Медицинская помощь

Helios stands for high-quality medical care, using both the most up-to-date and the least intrusive methods. Our mission is to provide the finest medical treatment using both state-of-the-art procedures and technology. The inter-disciplinary approach of our highly skilled and experienced medical/nursing teams guarantees the best possible care for you.

Helios Hospital Kassel располагает среди прочего следующими основными медицинскими отделениями:

  • Кардиология
  • Общая и сосудистая хирургия
  • Терапия
  • Неврология
  • Нейрохирургия
  • Челюстно-лицевая хирургия
  • Ортопедия и травматологическая хирургия
  • Радиология


As a special service, Helios Hospital Kassel offers accommodation on an optional services ward providing special comfort and service. As a general rule, all patients can make use of optional services. On the optional services ward, patients enjoy accommodation in a hotel-like setting including many additional services. The optional services available to patients are classified as medical (medical treatment by the head of the department/deputy) and non-medical optional services (higher level of service).

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Лучшие врачи: Helios Hospital Kassel

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