Dr. med. Christian Ansorge
Senior consultant for joint surgery at Helios ENDO-Klinik Hamburg
Helios ENDO-Klinik Hamburg
Specialist fields (in extracts)
- complete endoprosthetics knee, hip, primary application (full- and partial prosthesis, sliding prosthesis)
- exchange surgeries with osseous reconstruction
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
1987 – 1995 — Medicine Uni Rostock/ Uni Hamburg |
1996 — Surgery Hafenkrankenhaus Hamburg |
1997 — Trauma Surgery BG Unfallkrankenhaus Boberg Hamburg |
1999 — Visceral Surgery Nauen/ Berlin |
2000 — Orthopedics St. Bernwardkrankenhaus Hildesheim |
2002 — ENDO-Klinik Hamburg |
2003 — Physician for manual therapy |
2004 — Specialist for Orthopedics |
Academic activities
1997 — Promotion/Doctorate «Endoprothetik Kniegelenk» (Endoprosthetics Knee Joint)
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