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Hernia Surgery

A hernia is a condition in which internal organs bulge out of the area where they should normally be. An organ (or part of an organ) can protrude into the area under the skin, into the intermuscular space, or into internal cavities.

Types of hernias correspond to the anatomical areas where they form: intervertebral hernia, inguinal hernia, femoral hernia, umbilical hernia or internal hernia.

Ruptures usually occur where the abdominal wall has natural weak points. If it is then additionally stressed by various factors, further cracks or holes can develop. Thus, abdominal wall hernias are always based on a weakness of the connective tissue. In addition, obesity, nicotine and excessive alcohol consumption, various chronic diseases and extreme stress, among other things, increase the risk of developing an abdominal wall hernia. 

Many hernias are manifested by a protrusion or swelling in the affected abdominal area, and in some cases there is also pain. In other cases, abdominal wall hernias cause no or hardly any discomfort and are not a burden for those affected. However, since hernias do not heal spontaneously, become increasingly larger if left untreated, and there is always a risk of dangerous incarceration, surgery is advisable with a few exceptions.

In addition to the various abdominal wall hernias, the diaphragmatic hernia is a frequent diagnosis in hernia surgery.  The spectrum also includes the surgical treatment of rectus diastases - a deviation of the straight abdominal muscles, which occurs particularly after pregnancies and often in combination with hernias.

Modern procedures, state of the art-techniques and highly specialized surgeons at Helios ensure safe and gentle hernia operations.

Hernia Surgery

Experts in Hernia Surgery

Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery

Hernia and abdominal wall surgery: An interview with Dr. med. Wolfgang Reinpold

"Surgical competence is extremely important. Above all, however, is humanity!". 

Dr. med. Wolfgang Reinpold, is one of the international opinion leaders and top specialists in hernia and abdominal wall surgery. Since 2020, he has been one of the top five European specialists in this field. The focus of his scientific work is the development of minimally invasive techniques to prevent complications, especially recurrent hernias and postoperative pain.

Seal of quality for hernia surgery at Helios St. Elisabeth Hospital Oberhausen

The Department of General and Visceral Surgery at Helios St. Elisabeth Hospital Oberhausen recently received the seal of the German Society for Hernia Surgery. This is associated with quality assurance in the treatment of hernias.

Helios Mariahilf Hospital Hamburg: "I got my life back" - Hernia surgeon operates in Paraguay

A good quarter of all men and 3% of all women worldwide suffer from a hernia or abdominal wall hernia in the course of their lives. These so-called hernias almost always require surgery. But what is a matter of course in Germany is denied to many people in other parts of the world - for example because operations are unaffordable or there is a lack of clinics or trained surgeons. Dr. med. Wolfgang Reinpold, Chief Physician at the Hamburg Hernia Centre and the Department of Hernia Surgery at the Helios Mariahilf Hospital in Hamburg-Harburg, wants to help: This is the 16th time that the internationally renowned expert has embarked on a "hernia mission" at the end of 2023. In Paraguay, he operated on 55 indigent patients free of charge and trained local surgeons.

Helios Hospital with Focus on Hernia Surgery

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