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Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden

General Info

The Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden is the hospital of the state capital of Wiesbaden and the Helios Hospital Group, boasting extensive medical expertise. As a tertiary care hospital comprising 25 specialist departments, 5 institutes and 21 centres, the HSK offers all major fields of medicine to ensure optimum interdisciplinary patient care. In a comparison of German hospitals, the HSK and our specialists were again selected as the best non-university hospital in Hesseт.

The physicians of our hospitals work hand in hand to ensure seamless and smooth medical care. Our medical specialists are renowned, internationally recognised experts in their specialist fields.

Medical Care

Our whole concept is designed to provide individual examination plans and treatment options to each patient tailored to their specific needs, because we put people first.

Our experts evaluate each case personally and create an individual examination and treatment plan based on the patient’s specific needs.

They will create an individual plan of all examinations that are necessary to recommend the optimum treatment. Once the diagnostic procedures are completed, your physician will take the time to discuss with you all medical findings and treatment options. You decide together with your physician when you start the treatment.

You will receive medical care and treatment from the hospital director/chief physician from preoperative planning to outpatient postoperative care and will always be in the best hands to guarantee an optimum treatment result.

Allergy center

Pancreatic center

At the Helios HSK, special expertise in this field has been created in the last few years. All of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are required today according to international standards are available in the Helios HSK. This is also reflected in the currently high number of treatments and operations. All established surgical procedures on the pancreas are carried out in our house with internationally comparable results.

As a result of these efforts, the pancreas center has been certified as a pancreas cancer center in accordance with the quality management system DIN EN ISO 9001: 2008 and the criteria of the German Cancer Society since mid-2012. Prostate center

Focus on:

  • Radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer with pelvic lymph node removal
  • Nerve-conserving radical prostatectomy
  • Nerve-conserving radical prostatectomy using NeuroSAFE technology
  • External radiation therapy (IMRT)
  • Brachytherapy Antihormonal Therapy
  • Second-line therapy for castration-resistant prostate cancer
  • Third and fourth line therapy including chemotherapy

Plastic surgery

Surgical-reconstructive operation procedures

Whether trauma or congenital malformations - due to our specialization in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, we can offer our patients optimal care in terms of functionality and aesthetics. One focus is the reconstruction of bony and soft tissue injuries of the face, neck and skull as well as the skull base. Various osteosynthesis procedures and flaps are used here. The spectrum of the center includes local flaps such as rotation and transposition flaps or the paramedian frontal flap and the pectoralis major flap as pedicled flaps. In the case of extensive tissue defects, free flaps with a microvascular anastomosis, such as the free forearm flap, can also be used. In some cases, a free skin transfer takes place from the thigh or from other parts of the body. Skull base defects are often treated with the body's own material, such as the fascia lata.

Another focus of the center is nose and ear reconstruction with the body's own tissue.

  • Functional and aesthetic operations
  • Otoplasty - correction of the auricle
  • Rhinoplasty - correction of the external nose
  • Blepharoplasty - correction of droopy eyelids
  • Forehead lift and eyebrow lift
  • Scar correction
  • Non-surgical treatments
  • Botulinum toxin
  • Wrinkle injection
  • Facial Resurfacing - smoothing the surface of the skin

Gynecological Cancer Center

Treatment focus:

  • Cancer precursors (dysplasia, pathological Pap smear, etc.)
  • Cervical cancer
  • Uterine lining cancer (endometrial cancer)
  • Sarcomas / uterine soft tissue tumors
  • Ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer)
  • Fallopian tube cancer
  • Vaginal cancer
  • Labia cancer (vulvar cancer)

Abdominal center

In our interdisciplinary abdominal center we offer you all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for diseases of the abdominal organs and endocrine organs under one roof.

Intestinal center

Cancer of the colon and rectum is the second most common malignant disease in Germany and the western industrialized countries. The aim of our center for colorectal surgery is an optimal treatment of colorectal diseases according to the latest standards. In close cooperation with the Clinic for Gastroenterology and other specialist departments, we treat all benign and malignant diseases of the colon and rectum. One focus is on the treatment of colon cancer.

Reflux center

The center offers the entire spectrum of diagnostics and therapy for esophageal diseases. The team is perfectly designed for modern endoscopic diagnostics and therapy, as well as for the most modern surgical care using minimally invasive techniques.

Liver center

Hernia center

Endocrine surgery

Endocrine surgery means performing operations on hormone-producing organs. The various diseases of these hormone-producing organs are treated at the Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken treated in an interdisciplinary manner.

Our excellently networked cross-clinic interdisciplinary care creates a high level of security for your treatment and care. In our clinic for general and visceral surgery we offer the entire spectrum of endocrine surgery for children and adults.

Treatment spectrum:

  • thyroid
  • Parathyroid
  • Adrenal gland

We treat benign and malignant diseases of the endocrine organs:


  • Malfunctions
  • so-called cold and hot nodes of the thyroid gland
  • Autoimmune diseases (e.g. Graves disease)
  • Malignant tumors


  • Benign and malignant tumors
  • Metastases from other tumors (e.g. lung cancer)

Breast Center and Senology

The Breast Center of Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden is one of the largest certified breast centers in Germany.

Starting with the suspicion of a breast tumor, through to confirming the diagnosis with a sample, we accompany you in the often difficult time and advise you on the best therapy for you, which we discuss individually in our interdisciplinary tumor conference. In doing so, we are guided by the current guidelines, taking into account the current study situation and current innovative clinical studies.

Vascular Center Wiesbaden-Rheingau-Taunus

We treat all diseases in the field of vascular medicine. This is possible thanks to the offer, which is unique in Germany, that we - the vascular specialists at the Helios Clinics in Wiesbaden (Helios HSK), Bad Schwalbach, Idstein and Erlenbach - have put together with the Wiesbaden-Taunus Vascular Center.

Head and Neck Cancer Center

In our clinic, we offer special consultation hours in our outpatient department several times a week for the diagnosis, treatment planning and follow-up care of these tumor entities. In addition, the Phoniatrics Department, which is integrated into our clinic, has proven expertise in the field of diagnostics and therapy of functional impairments of speech and swallowing functions due to tumor diseases.

"The tumor surgical spectrum of our clinic covers the entire head and neck area. In most cases it is possible to remove tumors both endoscopically controlled by laser surgery and openly surgically while maintaining the greatest possible function If necessary, larger defects can be closed and treated in our clinic using reconstructive procedures, for example in the form of microvascular-pedicled transplants Epitheses on.

Should additional therapy be required in addition to surgical therapy, we work closely with radiation oncology if radiation therapy is necessary, which in some cases has to be combined with classic chemotherapy. "

Skin tumor center

In our skin tumor center, specialists from over 20 specialist disciplines work hand in hand on an interdisciplinary basis.

We offer you all known dermatosurgical operating techniques. These include:

  • the classic surgical method with micrographic cutting edge control, including cosmetically gentle plastic procedures
  • special surgical methods such as sentinel lymph node biopsy, laser surgery and photodynamic therapy

Depending on the tumor stage, our interdisciplinary skin tumor conference will develop a holistic treatment strategy that corresponds to your clinical picture. This may also include chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

Audiology center

Diagnostic spectrum

  • Audiometry
  • Otoneurology (inner ear diagnostics)
  • X-ray diagnostics
  • Newborn hearing screening
  • Therapeutic spectrum
  • Acute treatment for inner ear diseases
  • Hearing aid supply
  • Middle ear surgery
  • Active Middle Ear Implants (Vibrant Soundbridge)
  • Inner ear surgery
  • Cochlear implantation

Leukemia and Lymphoma Center / Stem Cell Transplant

We can offer intensive treatment methods such as aplasating chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplants in our hematological station under the highest hygienic standards in HEPA-filtered rooms.

All modern, personalized and immunological therapies are available in our interdisciplinary oncological outpatient department.

Follow-up care for patients at the highest medical level can take place in the department's own "outpatient clinic for stem cell transplantation".

Lung cancer center

In recent years it has become the number 1 cause of cancer death worldwide. One of the main causes is smoking. But non-smokers can also be affected. Cure is possible if recognized early, but a malignant tumor from the lungs quickly spreads to other organs and forms daughter tumors (metastases). For this reason, both rapid and comprehensive diagnostics and effective cooperation between many medical areas are essential for the treatment of lung cancer.

In joint weekly tumor conferences, special consultation hours and in close interdisciplinary cooperation, we create a treatment concept that is optimally tailored to the respective patient and his illness. This means that patients with lung cancer can be diagnosed, treated and, if necessary, operated on at the same time in the same unit. For the patient, this means short distances, direct contact persons and avoidance of double examinations.

Lung Center Wiesbaden

Respiratory diseases are among the most common medical diagnoses worldwide. In addition to pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the number of lung cancer in particular is increasing. The Lung Center offers a full range of services with which lung diseases in all their facets can be diagnosed, treated and, if necessary, operated on promptly. For patients, this structure means short distances, direct contact persons, avoidance of double examinations and innovative treatment concepts.

Helios Center for Tumor Diseases Wiesbaden

After cardiovascular diseases, cancer is still the second leading cause of death in Germany. For those affected and their relatives, the diagnosis is often associated with existential fears and many worries. However, medical advances have led to the fact that today almost every second patient can be cured of their cancer.

Neuro-oncological center

Neuro-oncology deals with the treatment of benign and malignant tumors in the area of the brain and its sheaths. The most common diseases include: Tumors of the brain (e.g. astrocytomas such as glioblastoma), metastases and tumors of the meninges or nerve sheaths (e.g. meningiomas / neurinomas).

All cases are discussed in our interdisciplinary tumor conference and treated in coordination with the clinics for oncology / palliative medicine and radiation therapy.

  • Tumors of the brain
  • Metastases
  • Meningiomas
  • Skull base tumors
  • Guard operations
  • Neuromonitoring
  • Neuronavigation
  • Fluorescence-guided resection (5-ALA)
  • Stereotaxic

Swallowing center

Many people are affected by swallowing disorders. It is often difficult to find an experienced expert for the symptoms. That is why we have formed an interdisciplinary team: We are doctors from the field of phoniatrics / pediatric audiology, ear, nose and throat Medicine, gastroenterology, neurology, oral and maxillofacial surgery and paediatrics and are reinforced by our colleagues from speech therapy and nutrition. We offer you the most modern, scientifically founded diagnostics as well as new, gentle therapy methods. It can also be useful in individual cases from colleagues Consult other specialist areas in order to find the best possible solution to the problem for you.

Each case is discussed jointly with us and an individual strategy is developed for each patient. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions! "

Vasculitis Center

The Vasculitis Center Rhein-Main specializes in rheumatic inflammation of the blood vessels.

Vasculitis knows no age: anyone can get it. The infestation can affect both large blood vessels such as the main artery or abdominal vessels, but also the small blood vessels; also internal organs, nerves and the skin. Vasculitis is also known as chameleon disease because it is similar to other diseases, such as infections or haemato-oncological diseases. This is mainly due to the unspecific symptoms such as fever, rash and weight loss. The unspecific characteristics make diagnosis difficult. The diagnosis can be made quickly in an interdisciplinary center. Due to the large number of possible affected vessels and organs, affected patients should always be cared for by a competent team of different specialists. "

Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden has among others the following major medical departments:

  • Cardiology and Conservative Intensive Care Medicine
  • Dermatology and Allergology
  • Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endocrinology
  • General and Visceral Surgery
  • Gynaecology and gynaecological Oncology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
  • Paediatric Surgery
  • Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
  • Pulmonology
  • Radiology
  • Rheumatology
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Trauma, Hand and Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Urology and Pediatric Urology


Your point of contact is the team of the Helios International Office Wiesbaden. This is where all information comes together and where we help you organise your stay quickly and smoothly. We coordinate your appointments and organise your stay at our hospital and in Wiesbaden.

When staying inpatient at Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden, we want you to feel home away from home. We want your stay with us to be a comfortable one, so we place great importance not only on first-class medical and nursing care but also on the amenities and services needed to create an environment in which you can recover quickly. During your stay, our service manager and his/her team will look after you personally and make sure that your stay will be as pleasant as possible.

Our service:

  • Guidance for international patients, before, during, and after their treatments if possible in the patient‘s mother tongue
  • processing of requests in in close collaboration with competent doctors/departments and preparation of a diagnostic/treatment plan for the patient
  • preparation of a preliminary quotation in English, Russian or German
  • translation of the medical reports into English or Russian, other languages on request
  • procurement of interpreters
  • if needed: transfer between the clinic and the airport and assistance with hotel reservations
  • if necessary: support for obtaining visas, through an invitation for treatment in the clinic

Should you have any additional requests during your stay please contact our service personnel.

Hotels & Travel


Adress for your navigation system: Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 100, 65199 Wiesbaden

If you require transportation services, please contact us prior to your arrival. We'll arrange transport with one of our partners.

Thanks to its central location Wiesbaden is a significant European transport interchange. Frankfurt Airport, one of the largest airports in the world, is around 25km away. The Frankfurt and Wiesbaden Central Stations and good highway connections also make the city easily and conveniently accessible.


Wiesbaden offers a various range of hotels of all categories. Our service partner, the Nassauer Hof Hotel, offers luxurious accommodation combined with high-class service and an award-winning cuisine.

Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden


Wiesbaden is the capital city of the state of Hesse and one of the oldest spa towns in Europe with around 15 thermal and mineral springs. It is situated on the bank of the Rhine, across the river from Mainz, the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate. In downtown Wiesbaden visitors will find narrow historic alleyways, magnificent buildings and expansive squares on which to linger for a while. There are also large parks and ample green spaces in which to relax and a wide range of leisure activities for the evenings and weekends.

Wiesbaden and the adjacent region of Rheingau-Taunus are home to diverse cultural activities and natural landscapes, with world-renowned wine-producing regions, traditional inns, and historic castles, palaces and abbeys to roam and explore. In addition to international banks and company headquarters, the nearby financial center of Frankfurt am Main likewise offers a varied range of culture, with an extraordinary selection of theaters and museums, including the birth house of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


Wiesbaden and indeed the entire region offer diverse shopping opportunities. Whether on beautiful streets, in large malls or in pedestrian areas, there is something for all tastes. The region also has countless restaurants and cafés to cater to your gastronomic needs.

Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden

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We speak Arabic, English, French, German and Russian

Physicians at Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden

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We speak Arabic, English, French, German and Russian

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