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ENT at the highest level of medical care

As clinic for ENT medicine, head and neck surgery, we are your specialists for the treatment of the ear, nose and throat - including all ENT operations on children. Our range of services includes endoscopic surgery of the nose, sinuses and tear ducts, microsurgery of the middle ear and salivary gland surgery, Cochlea implant surgeries. A particular focus of our clinics is on tumor surgery in the head and neck area, including complex tumor operations with subsequent reconstruction. Some of our hospitals are certified as a head and neck tumor centers as well as audiological centers.  

Ear, Nose & Throat

Our ENT experts

Reconstructive surgery retains tongue functionality after tumor resection

Otorhinolaryngologists from the Head and Neck Cancer Center at the Helios Hospital in Krefeld manage tumor-associated tongue defects using autogenous tissue from the forearm, hip, or back.

ENT at Helios Hospital Erfurt certified as cochlear implant-supplying facility

Treatment quality for severe hearing loss and deafness - ENT at Helios Klinikum Erfurt certified as cochlear implant-supplying facility

The Department of Otolaryngology at Helios Hospital Erfurt has been certified for the first time as a "cochlear implant-supplying facility for adults and children" in accordance with the requirements of the German Society for Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. The requirements are based on the white paper on cochlear implant (CI) fitting. The certification is proof of the high level of expertise in Erfurt: last year alone, more than 70 patients were fitted with a CI at Helios Hospital Erfurt.

Novel, bilateral tongue pacemaker for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea

People with obstructive sleep apnoea often feel sleepy and tired during the day and have difficulty concentrating. Innovative tongue pacemaker offers hope for sleep apnea patients and expands the range of ENT therapies in the field of surgical sleep medicine. As an alternative to the CPAP mask, the tongue pacemaker can help to keep the airways open - without the need for mask ventilation.

ENT Centers Helios

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