Specialist fields (in extracts)
As an experienced orthopaedic and trauma surgeon, I specialize in the conservative and surgical treatment of shoulder and joint diseases and injuries. I also specialize in the assessment of patients following accidents, occupational illnesses and suspected medical errors in my area of expertise.
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
- since 04/2021: Deputy Chairman of the Board, North Rhine Medical Association, Rhein Sieg District Office
- since 02/2014: Member of the Chamber Assembly, North Rhine Medical Association
- since 2006: Medical Director of Shoulder Surgery, Helios Hospital Siegburg
- Medical Director of the Shoulder Surgery Section, Senior Consultant and Deputy Chief Physician at the Clinic for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Specialist in Surgery, Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Special Trauma Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Medical Quality Management, Medical Assessor (Curr. BĂK BDC)
- 1993-1999: State examination in medicine and doctorate in human medicine, University of Bonn
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