Dr. med. Christoph von Sonnleithner, FEBO
Chief Physician of the Clinic for Ophthalmology at Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch
Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch
Specialist fields (in extracts)
- Cataract and refractive surgery, glaucoma surgery
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery of the eyelids
- Lacrimal duct and orbital surgery
- Therapeutic laser procedures on the anterior and posterior segment of the eye
- Intravitreal surgical drug application (IVOM)
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
since 01/2025
Chief Physician, Clinic for Ophthalmology, Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch |
Senior Physician, Charité Eye Clinic, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin;
Deputy Head, Department of Laser Refractive Surgery, Department of Oculoplastic Surgery and Department of Outpatient Surgery |
Senior consultant, Charité Eye Clinic, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin
since 06/2014
Specialist in ophthalmology
since 05/2014 | Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO, European specialist)
Specialist training, Charité Eye Clinic, Campus Virchow Clinic, Berlin
10.12.2008 | Doctorate (grade: "magna cum laude")
- Certificate for femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (LenSx®, Alcon)
- Certificate for laser refractive surgery using excimer lasers (Wavelight® EX500, Alcon)
- Certificate for Glaukos® iStent inject® Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stent Training
- GCP certificate (Medicinal Products Act, Medical Devices Act)
- Certificate for laser protection
Academic activities
Main research areas
- Cataract surgery with implantation of monofocal, toric and multifocal intraocular lenses
- Complex refractive errors (higher order aberrations)
- Oculoplastic surgery, lacrimal duct surgery
- New approaches in the treatment of endocrine orbitopathy
Extra information
- Examiner for the subject of ophthalmology for the third section of the medical examination (M3)
- Reviewer for the journal "Augenheilkunde up2date"
- Berlin-Brandenburg Ophthalmologic Society (BBAG)
- Federal Association of German Ophthalmic Surgeons (BDOC)
- German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)
- German-speaking Society for Intraocular Lens Implantation, Interventional and Refractive Surgery (DGII)
- European Society of Cataract
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