Specialist fields (in extracts)
- Acute leukaemia
- Myelodysplastic syndrome
- Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasia
- Malignant lymphomas
- Multiple myeloma
- Benign blood diseases
- Breakdowns in the haematopoietic system caused by pharmaceutical treatment (f.e. chemotherapy)
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
1999 – 2000 — Head of department at the medical clinic at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel |
2001 – 2007 — Head of department and activities for stem cell transplantation at the hematology and oncology clinic at the Göttingen University Clinic |
2002 — Appointed professor of hematology and oncology at the Göttingen University Clinic |
2007 — Appointed visiting professor at the Georg-August University of Göttingen |
Until 2016 — senior lecturer at Asklepios Medical School |
2007 – 2017 — Director of stem cell transplantation at the stem cell transplantation centre at St. George's Clinic |
Since April 2017 — chief doctor of hematology and stem cell transplantation at the Helios Berlin-Buch clinic of maximum healthcare provision |
Academic activities
Author of over 90 scientific publications. Among them: |
- «Matching for the MICA-129 polymorphism is beneficial in unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation» |
- «Unrelated donor versus matched sibling donor in adults with acute myeloid leukemia in first relapse: an ALWP-EBMT study» |
- «Expanding transplant options to patients over 50 years- Improved outcome after reduced intensity conditioning mismatched unrelated donor transplantation for patients with acute myeloid leukemia: A report from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT»
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) |
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) |
Sarcoma Consultation Centre at the German Society for Fighting Cancer |
Therapeutic Oncology Society |
German Society of Hematology and Oncology |
M.D. Anderson Associations |
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) |
Group of Researchers of Soft Tissue and Bone Cancer |
Deputy Chairperson of the German Interdisciplinary Sarcoma Group (GISG) |
Among other leading experts in Germany, Prof. Glass is also part of a writer's group that regularly publishes manuals for oncologists, «Developing Therapies for Aggressive Lymphomas», whose aim is to familiarise doctors with the most modern trends in hematology.
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