Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent FEBOMFS Hendrik Terheyden
Head Physician Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery at Helios Hospital Kassel
Helios Hospital Kassel
Specialist fields (in extracts)
- Worldwide reputation for dental implant restorations
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
1983-1989 |
Studied dentistry at the University of Kiel
1986 |
Research stay at Pahdar Hospital, India
1989 |
Staff doctor, Navy Flensburg
1989-1992 |
Medical studies at the University of Kiel
1989-1993 |
Specialist training in oral surgery, Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel
1992 | Assistant at the Cantonal Hospital, Aarau, Switzerland, ENT Clinic
1993 |
Specialist in oral surgery
1993-1997 |
Specialist training in oral and maxillofacial surgery, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel
1993-2000 |
Study visits to Denmark, Sweden, England, China and the USA
1997 | Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery with additional qualification in plastic surgery
1999 | Senior physician
1999 | Additional qualification in plastic surgery
1999 | Habilitation University of Kiel
from 2001 |
Senior consultant and deputy director
2001-2002 |
Distance learning course "Management of health and social facilities"
2002 |
Fellow of the European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (European specialist)
Associate Professor, University of Kiel
since 2007 |
Chief Physician of the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Medical Director of the Helios Clinics Kassel
since 2012 |
Owner of the implant center in Kassel
Academic activities
Teaching activity
- since 1989 student teaching Christian Albrecht University of Kiel
- since 2004 adjunct professor at Kiel University
- since 2005 Lecturer at Steinbeis University Stuttgart
- since 2004 Lecturer at the Academy of Practice and Science of the DGZMK
Engagement and Qualifications
- 2009 - 2012 President of the German Society for Implantology
- 2012 - 2021 Editor in Chief International Journal of Implant Dentistry
- 2015 Collaboration on the national catalog of learning objectives in dentistry
- 2015 - 2024 Chairman Section Preprosthetic SORG (Strassbourg Osteosynthesis Research Group
- 2017 - 2019 1st Chairman of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Working Group of the DGZMK
- since 2021 Honorary member of the German Society for Implantology
- since 2023 Collaboration on the subject catalog dentistry of the IMPP
- since 2019 Education Officer IAOFR (International Academy of Oral and Facial Rehabilitation)
- since 2023 Spokesman of the working group ltd. Hospital doctors and press spokesman of the DGMKG
- since 2024 Treasurer of the DGMKG
Extra information
- Editor of the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Author of various English-language textbooks
- Active in various international professional associations (SORG, IAOFR, AOMI, ITI)
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