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Curriculum vitae (in extracts)


1989 - 1991
Study of Human Medicine, Albert Magnus University Cologne
1991 Preliminary medical examination
1991 - 1995
Study of human medicine at the LMU
1992 First part of the medical examination
1994 Second state examination
1995 Third part of the medical examination and permission to work as a doctor in internship

Career Path

1993 Start of doctoral thesis at the Pathological Institute of the LMU Munich with the topic: "Immunohistochemical analysis of the basement membrane in laryngeal dysplasias and invasive laryngeal carcinomas, taking into account the clinical-prognostic significance of essential basement membrane components".
Practical year: Plastic Surgery at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota (USA), Internal Medicine at the Medical Clinic Innenstadt of the LMU, Munich and ENT Medicine at the Großhadern Clinic of the LMU, Munich
Internship at the ENT Clinic, Klinikum Großhadern of the LMU, Munich
Doctorate at the Institute of Pathology at the LMU Munich (Magna cum laude)
Research Assistant at the ENT Clinic, Großhadern Hospital
Recognized as a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine
Appointment as senior physician at the ENT clinic, Klinikum Großhadern of the LMU, Munich
Completion of the habilitation procedure at the LMU, Munich and appointment as a private lecturer in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine
Acquisition of the additional qualification in allergology
Senior consultant at the Innenstadt Clinic of the LMU, Munich
Head of the Allergology Department of the ENT Clinic
since 2006 Chief Physician, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Helios Amper-Klinikum Dachau
Acquisition of additional qualification in plastic surgery
Authorization for further training in the field of allergology
02/2007 Award of a partial authorization for further training in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine
02/2009 Extension of further training authorization for the specialty of ear, nose and throat medicine to a total of 36 months
10/2010 Appointment as adjunct professor
2011 Award of full further training in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine
since 01/2015 Deputy Medical Director
since 09/2018 Medical Director of the Helios Amper Clinics Dachau and Indersdorf

Academic activities

Teaching activities

  • 05/2004 | Lecturer in various clinics in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain
  • 02/2002 | Lecturer at the Endonasal Paranasal Sinus Workshop at Shahid Adnan Hospital in Baghdad (Iraq)
  • 05/2005| Lecturer at the CGTT Congress in Doha (Qatar)
  • 02/2006 | Lecturer at the MTC Hospital in Kuwait City (Kuwait)
  • 02/2007 | Lecturer in Tehran (Iran)
  • 02/2008 | Lecturer in Doha (Qatar)
  • 02/2009 | Lecturer in Tehran (Iran)
  • 08/2013 | Lecturer in Doha (Kathar)
  • 05/2016 | Guest speaker at the 87th Annual Meeting of the DGHNO on the topic of "Electromagnetic navigation in ENT"

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