Specialist fields (in extracts)
- Neurooncology (tumors of the brain: gliomas, metastases)
- Neurovascular surgery (aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, Jannetta etc.; skull base tumors: vestibular schwannoma etc.)
- Spinal surgeries of all pathologies (degenerative, tumorous, infectious, metabolic, traumatic spine disease incl. entire spine, ventral surgeries and complex reconstructive dorsoventral procedures)
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
1992 – 1999
Medical School, Ruhr-University of Bochum
1999 – 2010
Department of Neurosurgery, RWTH Aachen University Hospital |
Board Certification Neurosurgery, Medical Association Northrhine (ÄKNO) |
2010 – 2019
Attending neurosurgeon and Vice Chair Department of Neurosurgery, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU Munich |
Since 2019
Head of Department of Neurosurgery, Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch |
Facultative training in Intensive Care Medicine
Basic Certificate Spine, DWG
Master Certificate Spine, DWG
Certificate Spinal Neurosurgery, DGNC
Certificate Special Neurosurgical Oncology, DGNC
Qualification Radiation Protection
Academic activities
- 70+ scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals/books etc
- 20+ publications in peer-reviews journals as first/last author
- 200+ Impact factors
- Hirsch Index 15
Extra information
- more than 5000 surgical procedures
- more than 1500 cranial surgeries, incl. neurooncology (tumors of the brain: gliomas, metastases), neurovascular surgery (aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, Jannetta etc.; skull base tumors: vestibular schwannoma etc.)
- more than 1800 spinal surgeries of all pathologies (degenerative, tumorous, infectious, metabolic, traumatic spine disease incl. entire spine, ventral surgeries and complex reconstructive dorsoventral procedures)
- Research Award 2018 of the Austrian Spine Society ÖWG
- IPCAI Bench to Bedside Award
- Acta Neurochirurgica Best Paper of the Year in Spine 2017
- Young academics price (Nachwuchspreis) of the DWG
- DGNC (German Society for Neurosurgery)
- Scientific Committee of the Spine Section (DGNC)
- DWG (German Spine Society)
- DKG (German Cancer Society, Neurooncological Working Group)
- CNS (Congress of Neurological Surgeons)
- AOSpine
- EANS (European Association of Neurological Surgeons)
- Scientific Committee of the EANS
- Education Committee EUROSPINE
- NCA (Neurosurgical Academy)
- NCA (Neurosurgical Academy) Certification Committee
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