Specialist fields (in extracts)
- Vascular neurosurgery
- Skull base surgery (cerebellopontine angle, tumours)
- Endoscopic skull base surgery (hypophyseal adenomas)
- Brain tumours and brain metastases
- Degenerative spinal diseases and tumours of the spinal column and the spinal cord (slipped disc, spinal stenosis)
- Peripheral nerves
- Paediatric neurosurgery
- Craniocerebral trauma, spinal cord injury
- Neurosurgical intensive care medicine
- Neuroprosthetics
- Acoustic nerve neurinoma
- Neurofibromatis
- Meningioma
- Syringomyelia, hydromyelia, Arnold-Chiari malformation
- Facial spasm
- Trigemial neuralgia
- Acoustic nerve neurinoma
- NF2
- Syringomyelia, hydromyelia, Arnold-Chiari malformation
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
- 1984 – 1986 — Medical School, Martin-Luther-University Halle, Germany
- 1986 – 1990 — Medical School, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
- 1990 — Graduated magna cum laude (M.D.Thesis), University of Jena, Germany
- 1990 – 1992 — Neurophysiologist, Dept. of Psychophysiology, University of Jena, Germany
- 1992 – 1993 — Postdoctoral Fellow, Center of Neuroscience, UC Davis & and Veterans Administration Hospital, Martinez, CA, USA (Robert T. Knight, M.D. Ph.D.; Michael Gazzaniga, Ph.D.)
- 1993 – 1999 — Neurosurgical Residency, Hannover, Germany (Madjid Samii, M.D. Ph.D.
- 1999 — Neurosurgical Board Exam, Hannover, Germany
- 1999 – 2002 — Principal Investigator «Biocompatibility of insertion electrodes for in-depth stimulation of the cochlear nucleus»
- 2000 – 2003 — Consultant Neurosurgeon and Neurophysiologist, International Neuroscience Institute (INI), Hannover, Germany
- 2002 — Habilitation
- 2003 – 2006 — Vice Chairman of the Department of General Neurosurgery, Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg, Germany (Josef Zentner, M.D. Ph.D.)
- 2003 — Chairman of the Skull Base Center, Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg
- 2003 — Venia legendi, Professor for Neurosurgery, Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg, Germany
- 2004 — Scientific Advisory Board, European Academy for research on consequences of scientific and technological advancement Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler «Intervening in the Brain: Changing psyche and society»
- 2006 — Chairman «Centre of Excellence in Neurosurgical Education» certified by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), University of Freiburg, Germany
- 2006 — Inauguration of the Osypka Professorship for Neuroelectronic Systems at the Clinic for Neurosurgery, University Hospital Freiburg
- 2006 — Chairman and Chief Physician, Department of Neurosurgery, Helios Hospital Erfurt, Germany
- 2006 — Introduction of the EANS Observership Program, Department of Neurosurgery, Erfurt, Germany
- 2007 — Speaker of the Skull Base Group, Helios Hospital Erfurt, Germany
- 2008 — Founder and Secretary of the Neuro and Head Center (Neuro- und Kopfzentrum), Helios Hospital Erfurt, Germany
- 2008 — Scientific Advisory Board, German Cochlear Implant Society (DCIG) e.V
- 2008 — Scientific Advisory Board, German Society for Syringomyelia and Chiari Malformation (Deutsche Syringomyelie und Chiari Malformation e.V., DSCM) and foundation of the Center for Syringomyelia at Helios Klinikum Erfurt, Germany
- 2008 — Scientific Advisor of the German Bundestag (TAB) to assess the consequences of new technologies in neural prosthetics
- 2009 — Scientific Advisory Board, Oncology Center Erfurt, Germany
- 2009 — Advisory Board of the European Skull Base Society (ESBS)
- 2010 — Co-Chairman and organizer of the 18th Meeting of the German Society of Skull Base Surgery, Erfurt, Germany
- 2010 — Vice Chairman, Medical Scientific Society (Medizinisch-wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V., MWG), Erfurt, Germany
- 2010 — Scientific Advisory Board, Neurofibromatosis II Association, Germany
- 2010 — Vice Chairman, Task Force «Neural Prosthetics» of the German Society for Biomedical Technology (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, DGBMT in the German Engineering Association (Verband der Ingenieure, VDI)
- 2011 — Chief Editor Neurosurgery, Thieme-ProCompliance, Europe
- 2012 — Introduction of the «Modular Course for Neurosurgical Nurses» (Pflege in der Neurochirurgie, PiN), Helios, Germany
- 2013 — Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Skull Base Society (Gesellschaft für Schädelbasischirurgie, GSB)
- 2013 — Founder and Chairman, Neurofibromatosis Center (certified by ORPHANET), Erfurt, Germany
- 2014 — First skull base interventions under 3D digital microscope vision in Germany (Supervision, Visionsense), Helios Erfurt, Germany
- 2015 — Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of the Neurooncological Center (certified by Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft, DKG in 2016), Helios Hospital Erfurt, Germany
- 2016 — Medical advisor and name giver for the first German smartphone patient portal hello (Helios LogOn)
- 2017 — Member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Acoustic Neurinoma Association (Vereinigung Akustikusneurinom, VAN)
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