Helios Heart Center Leipzig again "Excellent. FOR CHILDREN"
For the 7th time in a row, the University Hospital for Pediatric Cardiology at the Helios Heart Center Leipzig receives the seal of approval "Ecellent. FOR CHILDREN". This means that it can once again demonstrate inpatient care that is particularly suitable for children and families in the current year.
The University Hospital for Pediatric Cardiology at the Helios Heart Center Leipzig continues to bear the seal of approval "Excellent. FOR CHILDREN" ("Ausgezeichnet. FÜR KINDER"), which is awarded by the independent Society of Children's Hospitals and Departments in Germany (GKinD) and is valid for two years at a time. This award is a guide for parents looking for a high-quality children's hospital with professional, child- and family-friendly inpatient care.
"I am very proud of my entire team. We have been certified since the start of the query in 2009 and have thus been able to demonstrate the high requirements for high-quality pediatric and adolescent medicine and pediatric surgery with the seal of approval for several years now,"
says Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Dähnert, Director of the University Clinic for Pediatric Cardiology at the Heart Center Leipzig.
The award of the certificate requires that the clinic meets all standards for multiprofessional and interdisciplinary care without exception. This includes, in particular, that the clinic is staffed at all times by pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, health and pediatric nurses, and teams from the pedagogical and medical-therapeutic fields that are specially qualified for children. In addition, hospitals must demonstrate that they not only provide basic care, but also have established networks that ensure the care of children and adolescents with rare and severe diseases. Furthermore, they must have a child- and family-oriented focus, which manifests itself, for example, in visiting arrangements and the possibility of a parent being admitted free of charge with infants and young children. In order to be awarded the certificate, the clinic must meet all the requirements of the EACH Charter (Charter for Children in Hospital of the European Association for Children in Hospital), including spatial design and safety criteria.
The seal of approval also provides individuals interested in training in pediatric nursing with an overview of excellent pediatric hospitals offering training. In addition, the award serves as an excellent guide for parents and relatives in their search for a quality children's hospital.
More information about Helios Heart Center Leipzig
More information about Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Dähnert