Leipzig Heart Center implants a completely artificial heart for the first time
© Christian Hüller

Leipzig Heart Center implants a completely artificial heart for the first time

A new type of completely artificial heart, a so-called 'total artificial heart' (TAH), has been implanted in a patient for the first time at Herzzentrum Leipzig. The special features of this type of artificial heart are that it completely imitates the heart's functions thanks to its integrated sensors and is not recognized as a foreign body due to its biocompatible surfaces. The operation was free of complications and the patient was able to leave the intensive care unit.

Implantation of a total artificial heart (TAH) is an option if biventricular ventricular failure is detected, i.e. failure of the pumping functions of both the left and right ventricle.

"Such a scenario occurred in our patient after a severe heart attack: The infarction caused some of the muscle tissue in the cardiac septum to die, creating a hole that could not be closed. As a result, both ventricles were impaired - a situation in which none of the conventional support systems for the heart could be used."

says PD Dr. med. Alexey Dashkevich.

The patient's family decided to have the new artificial heart implanted - the 55th operation of its kind worldwide.

In contrast to existing artificial heart systems, the 'total artificial heart' (TAH) is able to completely replace the natural functions of the heart: The artificial heart contains a total of 14 sensors that measure pressure and temperature, among other things.  This allows it to register stresses on the body, such as walking faster or climbing stairs, and independently adapts the heart rate to the body's needs. At the same time, the TAH is biocompatible. This means that the surfaces that come into contact with blood are lined with a biological membrane from the pericardium of a cow. As a result, the heart is not recognized as a foreign body and is not rejected.

In the run-up to the operation, a team of doctors from the Heart Center traveled to Paris to practice using the TAH in a trial implantation on the animal. The subsequent operation on the patient was very successful:

"We prepare ourselves for all kinds of complications during such operations, but none occurred. The insertion of the artificial heart went smoothly and the heart worked perfectly straight away. This is a great success for us. I'm delighted that our patient is already doing so well again and can receive visits from his family."

Prof. Dr. med. Michael A Borger adds:

"With this new type of artificial heart, we are able to help heart patients out of an otherwise hopeless situation. I congratulate my colleague Dr. Dashkevich on this premiere. For Herzzentrum Leipzig, the implantation of the TAH is an important milestone in the transplantation process. It enables us to buy time for people with severe, bilateral heart defects with the aim of being able to receive a donor heart transplant at a later date."

The 'total artificial heart' has been approved throughout Europe and is still being investigated in broad-based studies in France. It is currently not being used as a permanent therapy, but as a so-called 'bridge to transplant', a bridging solution until a donor heart is transplanted. The implantation improves blood flow to the lungs, liver and kidneys and thus stabilizes the patient's overall condition. Whether and when an exchange for a human donor heart is necessary depends on the patient's state of health.

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