Specialist fields (in extracts)
- Pulmonary and intensive care medicine.
- Expertice in invasive and non-invasive ventilation (weaning)
- Interventional techniques of bronchology as application of laser and implantation of stents.
- Specialist in oncological treatment of lung carcinoma.
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
1976 – 1977 — Healthcare Assistant, St. Josefhospital, Krefeld |
1977 – 1978 — Study of Human Medicine, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz |
1978 – 1984 — Study of Human Medicine, RWTH, Aachen |
29.10.1984 — Medical License at the local government of Aachen |
1985 – 1987 — Intern of Anaesthesia, St. Augustinus Hospital, Düren |
1988 — Acquisition of the description «Medical practitioner; Emergency medical services» |
27.09.1990 — Graduation, RWTH, Aachen |
1987 – 1991 — Intern of the Medical Clinic I and Medical Clinic II, Hospital Krefeld |
1991 — Recognition as a specialist in internal medicine |
1992 — Recognition as a specialist in pulmonary and bronchial medicine |
1993 — Acquisition of an additional title «Allergology» |
1991 – 1994 — Intern of the Department of Pneumology and Allergology, Ruhrland Hospital, Essen |
1995 – 2001 — Leading head physician medical clinic I, Hospital Krefeld |
1997 — Recognition as a specialist, barycenter Cardiology |
2006 — Acquisition of an additional title «Sleep Medicine» Acquisition of an additional title «internal intensive care medicine» |
Since 2002 — Leading chief physician of the department for pneumology, Sleep and respiratory medicine |
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