Prof. Dr. Med. Hans Juergen Heppner
Chief Physician at Helios Hospital Schwelm
Helios Hospital Schwelm
Specialist fields (in extracts)
- Severe infections in the elderly
- Vaccination in the elderly
- Quality indicators in emergency medicine for geriatric patients
- Acute care medicine for geriatric patients
- Special care for dementia patients in acute care hospitals
Curriculum vitae (in extracts)
MD — Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Associate professor — Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Full Professor — Chair of Geriatrics, University of Witten/Herdecke |
Postgraduate qualification (education / specialisation / training): |
Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Geriatrics, Master of Health Business Administration |
Previous positions / appointments: |
Geriatric Department, Hospital Nuremberg |
Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Nuremberg |
Since 2013 — Director Geriatric Department, Helios Hospital Schwelm |
Academic activities
Former and current research and scientific activities: |
Fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation, EPCentCare — Effect of person-centred care on antipsychotic drug use in nursing homes — EU study.
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