Hanseklinikum Stralsund: IRE - Irreversible electroporation
The Helios Hanseklinikum Stralsund is one of only a few clinics worldwide to offer Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) with Nanoknife for advanced pancreatic cancer. We have treated well over one hundred patients since 2015.
How does electroporation of the pancreas work?
IRE is a minimally invasive, non-thermal procedure in which tumor cells are destroyed using electric shocks of more than 1000 volts. The doctor places electrodes directly in or around the tumor, which emit electric shocks and perforate the membrane of the tumor cells. The cancer cells lose their stability due to the strong pulse-like electric shocks and undergo voluntary cell death (apoptosis) and are disposed of by the body itself.
What is new and special about this technique is the fact that surrounding nerves and blood vessels, as well as those running through the tumor, are spared. As the outer vessel wall is preserved, the inner lining can regenerate and the blood supply to sensitive neighboring organs is not destroyed. This means fewer side effects for the patient. The treatment takes place under general anesthesia.
The actual procedure only takes a few minutes, but the preparation and precise placement of up to six needles in and around the tumor is very time-consuming. Every treatment with electricity is currently accompanied by conventional chemotherapy.
Which patient is suitable for treatment?
The patient for whom treatment with electric shocks makes sense must be examined very carefully in advance with the available findings and in a personal consultation with the head surgeon, Prof. Dr. med. h. c. Matthias Birth. The Nanoknife procedure is suitable for patients with pancreatic cancer that cannot be removed due to its unfavorable location and involvement of the abdominal blood vessels.
The tumor should not have exceeded a certain size of about four centimeters. The treatment costs are not borne by the patient, but are covered by health insurance.
Advantages of IRE in pancreatic cancer?
Of all tumors, pancreatic cancer is associated with the worst prognosis. Without treatment, most patients die within 6 months of diagnosis. With conventional chemotherapy, the average life expectancy is around 11-13 months. Most therapies are palliative and not curative. This means that they are aimed at prolonging life, not curing the cancer.
There are very few studies on the use of electricity to treat the pancreas. According to current results from the USA (as of July 2015), electroporation in pancreatic cancer in conjunction with chemotherapy can increase life expectancy to an average of 23-28 months.
Electroporation is a procedure that has been approved since 2006 and has already been used frequently throughout Germany on the prostate, kidneys and lungs. Its use in pancreatic cancer is still very innovative. The method is used for inoperable tumors (stage III).
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More information about Prof. Dr. med. habil. Prof. h.c. Matthias Birth