Helios Hospital Duisburg: Colorectal cancer center once again honored for its high quality
© Helios

Helios Hospital Duisburg: Colorectal cancer center once again honored for its high quality

In an important interim audit by the German Cancer Society, the Helios Colorectal Cancer Center in the north of Duisburg once again achieved excellent results - the commission was particularly impressed by the modern surgical procedures and the low complication rate.

According to statistics, one in 19 women and one in 15 men will be diagnosed with bowel cancer in the course of their lives. This makes these tumors one of the more common cancers in Germany and has a massive impact on the lives of many people. A good outcome, i.e. the chances of recovery, depend largely on early diagnosis as well as individual treatment and aftercare. The Colorectal Cancer Center at the Helios St. Johannes Klinik Duisburg is comprehensively equipped for this complex task, which is why the interdisciplinary team has now been recertified by the German Cancer Society (DKG).

High operational standard

The basis for this is, among other things, a functioning quality management system and certain minimum quantities. The OnkoZert commission commissioned by the DKG checks compliance with the requirements once a year after the initial awarding of the certificate. During the two-day on-site audit at the hospital site in Alt-Hamborn, the auditors examined the structures and treatment outcomes as well as the quality of performance of the cooperating departments, the number of cases and the number of operations performed. The colorectal cancer center at the Helios site in Alt-Hamborn has officially been part of the select circle of DKG centers since 2022. Right from the start and again this time, the certification team was particularly impressed by the proven high surgical standard with a focus on minimally invasive robotics, accompanied by a demonstrably better outcome for patients. The DaVinci System™ required for this is now used in around 95% of colon cancer and 85% of rectal cancer operations. Nationwide, only around 35% of operations are performed in this way.

Soon to be a European training center

Word of the high quality of robotics at the hospital has also spread beyond the region: The department of Head Physician Dr. Norbert Hennes is in the final examination phase for appointment as a European training center for robotic surgery with a focus on intestinal tumor and pancreatic tumor surgery. This means that external medical colleagues - even from neighboring countries - will come to the Hamborn site to learn in the future once they have successfully completed their training.

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