Helios Krefeld: 1 hospital, 3 locations - Best treatment options through specialization and network
Helios Hospital Krefeld, Helios St. Josefshospital Uerdingen and Helios Cäcilien-Hospital Hüls will operate as one hospital under the umbrella of Helios Hospital Krefeld GmbH from January 2023. In terms of the number of inpatients, Krefeld thus currently has the largest hospital in North Rhine-Westphalia.
With the clear goal of tailoring treatment concepts even more precisely to patients than before, many small, joint steps of change added up at the beginning of the year to form a large whole: one hospital, three sites, one team. To achieve this, it was necessary to rethink care structures. The vision of an integrated overall hospital is closely linked to targeted medical specialization, which takes into account the high demands of increasing complexity of treatment, as well as individual patient needs.
Bundling competencies, profiting from specializations
"Good medicine today is only possible through differentiation, even within specialties. That's why we jointly evaluated which location and which medical services with which specialists from our network is the best choice for our patients," says hospital CEO Alexander Holubars, explaining the path already taken at the beginning of 2020, which began with the relocation of endoprosthetics from the city center and the successful establishment of the Ortho-Campus in Hüls. As part of the restructuring, leading experts at various locations were brought together in restructured teams under a chief medical officer within the main care areas of orthopedics, general and visceral surgery, urology, geriatrics and emergency medicine.
"With a high degree of willingness to consistently dissolve thinking in terms of site boundaries, it has been possible to deepen and jointly expand medical focal points. This enables uniformly high quality standards and the certainty that patients, regardless of which facility they present to, can always be confident that they will receive the best possible treatment in the clinic best suited for this purpose," Holubars gives an overview.
From primary care to highly specialized 'specialist clinic' to high-performance medicine.
For patients, this new care concept offers many advantages. "In the inner city, as a maximum-care hospital, we are geared to treating complex diseases in an interdisciplinary manner in a certified setting. Tumor-removing gastrointestinal, esophageal, liver and pancreatic surgery, for example, are among them. For cancer or high-risk patients with severe concomitant diseases, these treatment paths with the corresponding infrastructure are essential," explains PD Dr. med. Christoph Wullstein, chief physician of general, visceral and minimally invasive surgery. "Patients with less serious illnesses, on the other hand, benefit from smaller, familiar units, shorter distances and a high degree of plannability of interventions at our St. Josefs Hospital and Cäcilien Hospital sites. This is very well received."
The formation of focal points thus enables a clear focus on diagnostic and treatment quality. With the Center for Obesity and Metabolic Therapy (ZAM), the Center for Reconstructive Urological Surgery, Andrology, the Sports Clinic, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Endoprosthetics of the knee and hip joint including subsequent rehabilitation from a single source, in short the Ortho-Campus as well as Complementary Oncology (TimO), Uerdingen and Hüls also now have highly specialized, supraregional centers of excellence.
"Patients who present here encounter teams that are all-round attuned to precisely these specific needs. A top athlete expects the maximum best result in the shortest time. An elderly person with advanced osteoarthritis wants space for careful regeneration after joint replacement," explains Prof. Dr. med. Clayton Kraft, Chief of Orthopedics, Trauma and Hand Surgery. "The strengths of our sites, the development opportunities and the passion for particular specialties provide the best possible framework for this."
Read more:
More about Helios Krefeld
More about Prof. Dr. med. Clayton Kraft
More about PD Dr. med. Christoph Wullstein
More about the Ortho-Campus
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